Volunteer with us
Samye Dzong operates with the support of its diverse volunteers. The Centre welcomes applications from all people, from those who have offered service before and are long time practitioners, to those just taking first steps on or towards, the Buddhist path. The Centre embraces diversity, equality, and inclusivity efforts with the main requirement for all applicants is a good motivation.
Supporting the Centre is a joyful way to incorporate Buddhist Practice into your everyday life. It creates merit by offering service as daily work. In a building this size there is always something that needs doing and our volunteers do a pretty diverse range of activities from managing the office, helping run the tea room, cooking, cleaning public areas as well as preparing rooms. For those with more specialist skills and/or knowledge, there are other avenues to explore.
Volunteering options
We welcome two types of volunteers at the centre:
Part time volunteers who support us on a regular weekly or monthly basis to help in the tearoom, reception area and generally keeping the centre clean.
Full time residential volunteers who live in the centre and provide five days of service each week towards its upkeep.
If you are interested and can commit regularly, please full out the application forms below:​
Application Forms:

What's involved?
After and initial trial period, residential volunteers ideally commit to a minimum six-month volunteering period, offering service for 35 hours per week (Wednesday to Sunday). This enables everyone to get the most from the experience, put their skills to good use, strengthen Dharma practice and become part of the community. Volunteers who continue to benefit from the experience may also be considered for a longer stay with the residential team.
To find inner peace, we need a peaceful environment. Our Abbot Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche therefore asks everyone to follow the Five Golden Rules below.
To protect life, and avoid killing, we express this through not eating meat in the Centre.
To respect each other’s property and not steal.
To speak the truth and not lie.
To respect others, and refrain from sexual misconduct.
To embrace health and avoid intoxicants, we express this by not consuming alcohol or other recreational drugs, or smoking cigarettes/vaping in the Centre.